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Use of Break in Amateur Radio

122 bytes added, 03:26, 21 July 2017
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'''Being Wrong Doesn’t Keep You From Having a Web Site''''''Question T3C01 in the Technician Class Question Pool'''Yet, there’s some bad info floating around due to ignorance.  <del>Rob Mavis AE6GE, for example, seems to think that it is acceptable to use amateur radio in the same fashion as police.  According to the ARRL, Rob Mavis is just plain wrong, but that doesn't stop ol Rob from [ sharing misinformation online].  Fortunately for Rob Mavis, ignorance '''is''' a correctable condition.</del> ''update: the offending text has been removed from the aforementioned web site.''Thankfully correct information does prevail and one example is a guide by Rob Mavis AE6GE, "[ The Proper Use of Break."] Since corrected this guide is clever to point out that question T3C01 in the Technician Class Question Pool of the license test for an entry ham license asks "What is the proper way to break into a conversation between two stations that are using the frequency?" The answer is "Say your call sign between their transmissions."  Hopefully all amateur radio Volunteer Examiners (or VEs) know and understand this rule so they can get new licensees off on the right foot.