Process Niceness


nice - set process scheduling priority

renice - change process priority real time.

A kernel scheduler is a unit of the kernel that determines the most suitable process out of all runnable processes to execute next.

There are a total of 140 priorities and two distinct priority ranges implemented in Linux. The first one is a nice value (niceness) which ranges from -20 (highest priority value) to 19 (lowest priority value) and the default is 0.

  • niceness of -20 gives the process the most priority
  • niceness of 19 gives the process the least priority

Lowest level of niceness (lower means more favorable) you can define is determined by limits.conf

Total number of priorities = 140
Real time priority range(PR or PRI):  0 to 99 
User space priority range: 100 to 139

check nice level setting

One way

ps -eo pid,ppid,ni,comm

This will list the process ID, the nice level, and the actual command.

ps ax -o pid,ni,cmd

Using the htop command will show nice level. This requires installation. For Ubuntu/Mint:

sudo apt install htop

changing the program priority

nice runs commands at increased priority, renice can raise or lower but works for processes that are already running.

  • If no value is provided, nice sets a priority of 10 by default.
  • A command or program run without nice defaults to a priority of zero.
  • Only root can run a command or program with increased or high priority.
  • Normal users can only run a command or program with low priority.

Example 1: As a non-privileged user we shall launch Discord client at the least important priority (the nicest)

nice -n20 /usr/share/discord/Discord

Now about everything else will have priority to the CPU than does Discord.

you can use the ionice command to start the process with low io priority:

nice -n18 ionice -c3 /path/to/mydaemon

How to renice all threads (and children) of one process

The kernel only handles "runnable entities", that is, something which can be run and scheduled. A thread, is just a kind of process that shares (at least) memory space and signal handlers with another one.

While Running

You can change the priority of the process already running. Example:

sudo renice -n -10 14566

This process has increased process priority. The process was originally executed without root. The process is running as a non privileged user, however, it is necessary to use root permissions to elevate the priority higher than 0. The process itself remains non privileged.

Last modified on 29 May 2020, at 09:36