
Mint Linux Distribution Reference

362 bytes added, 18:38, 9 May 2023
/* Debian Nerds Remove ALL RTSP Support */
The following lines were added (+) and removed (-):
Mint 21.1 Vera Ubuntu 22.04 LTS has absolutely no support for viewing rtsp protocol.   Mint 21.1 Vera Ubuntu 22.04 LTS has limited support for viewing rtsp protocol.  It seems ffplay still supports rtsp, however vlc does not.  Debian builds remove rtsp.  Bug report claims, " We had to disable those plugins as liblivemedia constains non-free code. "* ffplay on mint supports rtsp* no packages for livemedia-utils in default repositories* vlc will not play rtsp unless you use the snap or build from source.  - never - use the snap!
Bureaucrat, administrator