Leaders CRM: About

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Leaders C.R.M. (Customer Relationship Management)

A CRM "Customer Relationship Management" system exclusively for the independent agent or human resources (HR) Recruiter. Manage company lists, company contacts, and candidates - all client information with Leader's CRM software.

Online Help / Manual

Leaders CRM Big Logo.png

Created in 2007, Leaders CRM for Recruiters is Visual BASIC software written for use with a Microsoft Access or Microsoft SQL Server database. The software is available in a "single user" or "small office" version.

Intended Audience

The software specification was originally created for Recruiters in the Information Technology industry. However, the first version of the software released utilized an open architecture that facilitates use by Recruiters of any industry. No version of this software has ever been restricted to a specific industry.

Leaders CRM for Recruiters supports all Industries and all professions. It is a tool for individuals working in the area of Human Resources to help seek, recruit, and employ staff. Fulfill your organization's staffing needs with this software, or use this software to fulfill the needs of your customers.

Connect talent with opportunity using Leaders CRM for Recruiters!

Who will benefit the most from the Leaders CRM software?

Individuals with logical, scientific minds, working with candidates and companies in the area of Human Resources.

If you are good at collecting information, categorization, and organization in a systematic and logical style, you will find that the Leaders CRM for Recruiters is a powerful tool that will magnificently enhance your organized practices.

However, if you are disorganized, unable to sort information into classifications, do not understand scientific data processes, then this tool is not for you. Incorrectly using this tool will yield poor performance and ultimately lead to your dissatisfaction.

Like all tools people use in the world, your satisfaction is directly proportional to your proper understanding and use of the tool.

Leaders CRM for Recruiters licensing and purchase information coming soon...